The Canadian Cardiac Oncology Network
The Canadian Cardiac Oncology Network was established in 2011 to bring together healthcare professionals interested in understanding how cancer therapies impact cardiac health.
The Canadian Cardiac Oncology Network
The Canadian Cardiac Oncology Network was established in 2011 to bring together healthcare professionals interested in understanding how cancer therapies impact cardiac health.
Stem Cell Transplant in Cardio-Oncology: Pre-Transplant Cardiac Assessment and Cardiac Complications
Join us virtually for our inaugural quarterly webinar in collaboration with the Canadian Cardiovascular Society and the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research. Attendees will receive CME credits.

Date & Time: Friday, September 6, 2024 @ 12-1pm EST

Speakers: Dr. Anca Prica, MD, MSC (Hematologist at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre) & Dr. Barbara Doumouras, MD (Cardiologist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre)
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